Below is a list of our most recent donations to hospitals, health centers and foundations throughout Colombia that assist vulnerable children and their families living often in extreme conditions
10 Cradles for infants with anti-bedsore mattresses
Bilirubinometer, Draeger Model JM105
2 Samsung SIDE BY SIDE Refrigerators of 647 LTS.
1 Three Channel Digital Electrocardiograph, 1 Single Channel Infusion Pump model Semi-2
Rehabilitation treadmill with monitor
Respicare High Flow Heated Respiratory Humidifiers Humid-BM...
1 Hospital Bed and 1 wheelchair
2 Vital Signs monitor, 1 Electrocardiograph self-interpretative, 1 AED Defibrillator, 1 Infusion Pump, 1 Fetal Monitor, 2 Fetal Doppler, 1 Infrared heating Lamp
1 AED Defibrillator, 2 blood pressure Monitors, 1 Emergency stretcher, 3 portable Stretchers, 1 wheelchair, 1 portable measuring rod, 1 scale, small freezer
1 Digital Column Scale, 1 Portioning Scale, 1 Fenix scale
5 portables computers, 5 tablets and 1 multifunction printer
1 Paediatric vital signs monitor, 1 Adult vital signs monitor, 1 air Compressor-3HP, 3 High flexibility examination lamps.
1 Digital Baby scale and 1 Fetal heart monitor
1 Impedanciometer to stimulate and detect afflictions of the medium ear
Unisex torso Mannequin, female and male pelvis
Furnishing of a lactation area and preparation of food to feed 100 disable and terminally ill children
1 Radiant Heat Lamp and 1 Vital Signs Monitor
Foundation that takes care for 150 living children with their parents while they receive long treatments for Cancer and HIV AIDS
Providencia: Field Hospital installed after the hurricane IOTA
Bathroom equipment to assist disabled children to use this facility.
Materials for the manufacture of 30 through nets, one per family.
Repair of 2 fiberglass boats
Support 150 indigenous people of the Eperara and Siapidara ethnic groups due to the difficulty of obtaining food due to the pandemic
61 Tins of Formula milk and food supplements for nursing disabled children
Look after 52 children with special needs
572 Children benefited from Christmas Bundles distributed by 5 institutions
Alimentando con Amor - 56 children with special needs
Food parcels for indigenous communities Eparara Siapidara in Guapi Cauca, Kantinurwa and Yechikin at the Sierra Nevada and Trojas de Cataca at Cienaga Grande
On September 2020 we donated £2,400 to ESE Hospital San Juan de Dios in Pensilvania Colombia.
Hypothermia machine for new born babies to control the body temperature.
2 Holter recorders and other related equipment.
Radiofrequency scalpel.
We have donated £2,500 in dental equipment and equipment for medical consultation.
10 wheelchairs, 37 metal beds with mattresses and other equipment.
20 wheelchairs, 5 wheelchairs with toilet and various therapy equipment
Ambulatory blood pressure monitor.
Defibrillator and eqipment for Consulting room.
7 UHD Television sets to connect with the main clinic.
3 wheelchairs, equipment for different therapies.
Bilirubinometer, pediatric Electrocardiograph, Defibrillator.
Radiant heat lamp, fetal twin Monitor, fetal Doppler.
Electrosurgical unit
Specially adapted musical instruments for 600 children with special needs.
Dental Unit and small equipment for a consulting room.
160 Football uniforms: T-shirts, shorts and socks.
Freezer and water filters.
9 adjustable electric hospital beds and 9 electric cribs with antiscratch mattresses.
Inventis Basic Audiometer
A transport Incubator equipment for physiotherapy.
Human Milk extractor and water purifier.
700 raincoats.
Tableware and Kitchenware,1 printer HP J4660
Portable Dental Unit and accessories.
1 dental units, 1 compresor, 2 fetal dopplers, 2 mechanical baby scale
A Whirlpool washing machine and dryer for the girls personal care.
Donation of a paediatric consultancy room for emergencies: examination bed, oxygen, pulse oximeter, senses diagnostic set, paediatric Tensiometer, 12 beds
Computers to treat psychological abused children.
Paediatric nebuliser and dentistry instrumental, senses diagnostic set, pulse oximeter with neonatal and paediatric sensor, portable venous illuminator, bed
Bilirubinometer and Biliblanket for premature babies.
Portable ventilator for young adults and children.
Multisensorial equipment to stimulate severeley disabled children.
Stimulation equipment for severely disabled children with neurological disorders.
1 Delivery bed, 2 portable Oxigen tanks, 1 Solar fridge, 1 Stretcher, 2 Drip Stands, 1 Nebuliser and other minor items.
2 closed and 2 open incubators that were delivered after a flooding of the mines in the area.
1 Wheelchair, 5 floor mattresses, other crucial items for the rehabilitation of severely disabled children taken care of by a community mother in her own house.
1 Portable defibrillator to help the institution with specialised cardiovascular emergency resuscitation equipment.
Provision of 10 specialised Beds and 10 paediatric beds to increase the hospital’s ward capacity
Various small surgical items to furnish the hospital’s paediatric ward with equipment to provide vital care to children and babies.
Donation of an open incubator, neonatal beds and mattresses and a neonatal respiratory support unit to treat vulnerable children in the paedriatic ward
With the help of funds raised Felipe Posada, FOCSA was able to donate a Closed Incubator, Vital Signs Monitor and Phototherapy Lamp to this deserving hospital.
Private hospital equivalent to second level that requires renovating its neonatology unit
4 Fixed Dental Units, 1 Portable Dental Unit, 5 Wall-Mounted Tensiometers, 5 25m Sensor Organ Equipment, 8 Infantometers, 8 Stadiometers, 1 Hormonal Test Lab
We raised £20,165 to donate to the 3 Children’s Neurodevelopment Centres: Sesquicentenario, La Emilia and Centro de Atención Básica CAB.
We were able to raise £36,500 to provide special neonatal equipment
We succeeded in raising £33,000 which were desperately needed to buy the surgical medical equipment
We have donated basic but essential medical equipment worth £25,000
We managed to raise £56,789
We managed to raise £31,200 and donate essential PPE equipment to key hospitals in Colombia in Bogotá