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Invite Friends and Family and raise money through "Hearts for FOCSA"

This year you can help fundraising for Friends of Colombia for Social Aid – FOCSA while enjoying the company of family and friends:

Invite some friends to your house for a meal or any happy occasion such as your birthday!

Let them know you wish for “no presents” this year and that instead you are hoping to raise money for your favorite charity: Friends of Colombia for Social Aid. Register the number of guests and the date of your event with the FOCSA’s event team at head.events@focsa.org or by text message to 07771770883.

The team will send you an information pack with donation forms and information about FOCSA’s projects.

Enjoy time with your friends over the meal while helping FOCSA to help those in need in Colombia.What to do next?

  1. Decide the date of your event and send the invitation to your guests, do let them know it is with a fundraising purpose, although donations are not obligatory.
  2. Please remember your donation to the Charity is the food and drinks you provide to your guests, so only invite a number of friends that is comfortable and possible for you.
  3. Let the FOCSA’s event team know the date and number of guests.
  4. After registration you will receive an information pack containing details of FOCSA's projects and forms for your guests to fill up.
  5. On the day of the meal, made sure everybody fills up the forms, tell them about the Charity and it's projects and inspire your friends to join our quest, by either donating or registering to organize a Hearts 4 FOCSA event of their own.
  6. When the party is over forward all the forms and donations to FOCSA.Good luck and enjoy the party!

Thank you for helping us to help